Romanian Black Sea Coast

The wonderful Romanian seacoast benefits of the special charm given by the Black Sea (the third European sea in terms of surface, and the second one in what concerns the depth, with reduced salinity (17 - 18%) at the shore and the water temperature of 20 - 25 ℃.

The Romanian Black Sea Coast is the main Romanian tourist area.

There are no streams, dangerous plants or animals in the Black Sea's waters.
The sea platform decreases smoothly from the coast (on a strip of 100-200 m) towards the open sea (the water is not very deep, 1-2m), thus eliminating all the risk factors.

Constanta & Dobrogea Tours
Summer resorts, Constanta, Adamclisi Tropaeum Traiani, Histria Citadel, Danube Delta.

black sea map

Constanta & the Beach Resorts
Mamaia, Eforie Nord, Costinesti, Neptun - Olimp, Venus, Mangalia.

constanta black sea coast